Fortunate to have worked with a hospital on a shoot featuring survivors, I got to camera-ready and give tips to a woman who is not only a survivor…she’s a thriver, too!

One of the first signs I see when people are getting better from any sickness, disaster, depression…is that we start to take care of ourselves in better ways.

Is makeup “life-changing”? The expression is used so often, it loses its impact, but yes…
Can we think of making up as a step to getting better? Yes. Incrementally empowering.

Here’s a picture with my “Survive and Thrive” badge given by Echo Theater and Soul Rep Theater Company when they presented MONARCH…a beautiful production depicting every stage of the journey we are facing or have faced.
This is a good place to let you know about the sleeve I wear on my right arm…you can see it in other pictures; it’s a medical sleeve for lymphedema (not to be confused with ‘lymphoma’), caused by radiation treatment affecting those underarm lymph nodes. Many, if not most of us who’ve been treated are prone to this condition, and the sleeve helps keep the lymphatic fluid moving so the affected area resists swelling.

If I can help solve makeup problems with and for you, please be in touch, whether individually or as a group.